This weekend I went backpacking. I was gone for four days, did about 32 miles and climbed Utah's highest peak, Kings Peak (13,527). The entire time I was gone I had no cell reception. That means no news and no internet. It was nice being disconnected for a while.
When getting back to civilization I was excited to hear some news. The first thing I found out is that I hadn't gotten a new niece yet. Something unexpected was that Mitt Romney had chosen his running mate! PAUL RYAN!
I remember when Paul Ryan gave the official Republican response to Obama's 2011 State of the Union Address. Right then and there I knew he was an excellent politician. Since I have learned much more about the House Budget Committee Chairman. He also has his own budget plan to get us on track.
Besides his excellent plan to get the country fiscally on track, my favorite thing about Paul Ryan is his ability to articulate conservative values. He understands where our rights come from and how to preserve them. I would rather have him for President, but VP is a good consolation.
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