It's ok to have a parade to celebrate your right to be gay, but the moment someone celebrates their right to be straight everyone cries intolerance! WTF?
It's not like Dan Cathy, owner of Chick-fil-a, said anything against a persons right to practice homosexuality. It's not like they refuse to serve people that are homosexual. All he did was exercise his right of free speech to state his position on gay marriage.
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that," (Blaze).
So, in support of Dan Cathy's freedom of speech, and his courage to stand up for what he believes in this world of hating hypocrites (ie liberals), Rick Santorum spoke out in support of Chick-fil-a and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee delclared August 1st Chick-fil-a appreciation day.
This is how supporters reacted.
This is how liberals reacted.
Wait? Who is Intolerant Again?
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ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU. Get on with life people. I'm so sick of hearing the freedom of speech only works one way. He said what he felt like saying.
If you don't like his stance, say what you feel like saying, but don't make him out to be a criminal. He wasn't even speaking out against gay people! He was just supporting the cause he likes
Double standard is a standard after all. Thanks for the comment.