Benjamin Franklin said (paraphrasing) "Those who give up freedom in exchange for security will have neither." The exact quote is from a letter he wrote, but you get the point. When we allow the TSA to look at our naked bodies in the name of security, we are giving up freedom for security.
Whenever we depend upon someone other than ourselves we give up some of our freedom and usually do so in order to obtain some sort of security. The more we accept the governments role in our lives the more they will have power to control our lives. Think about the new lunch program Mrs. Obama has promoted. Kids that have government lunches have given up their choice of what they get to eat for lunch in exchange for a free lunch.
You can't have freedom AND free stuff. Yet more and more this attitude of entitlement is growing. The day will soon come in which the government they rely on for so much will dictate how, where or if they can live, and because of their level of dependence they will have no power to object.
I know we are a long way away from being North Korea, but what most people don't understand is that a foundation for that kind of government is being built in front of our eyes. Once all the pieces are in place, and they almost are, it will only require a flip of the switch and the light of freedom will go out.
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