Anyone that has spent the last few months on planet earth knows that the presidential election is coming. Politics can be seen everywhere you go. I believe that our country is at a tipping point and this election represents a point of no return. Considering how politically opinionated I am, it's ironic that I cannot wait for it all to be over.
It's not because I think Romney is going to win, or because I want to be friends again with my liberal friends. It's because I want to know how to prepare for the next four years. Based on history, sociology and simple economics, I know how the next four years will look depending on who is elected.
If Romney is Elected:
- instant hiring will happen because confidence will be restored
- stock market will skyrocket for the same reason
- velocity of money will speed up and we will see inflation
- high interest rates to combat inflation
- housing market will continue with low inventory and price appreciation
- though a fiscal cliff will loom, faith will be restored that evasion is possible
If Obama is Elected:
- the US will most definitely hit a fiscal cliff: tax increases, forced budget cuts, & or debt ceiling
- stock market will crash; it has stayed afloat with hope
- hiring will remain sluggish for years
- housing market will continue with low inventory and price appreciation
- hyperinflation becomes an actual possibility, but not immediately
- freedom will become a luxury
- the cost of healthcare will skyrocket, even compared to recent appreciation
- the federal debt will hit 20T, maybe not for 5 years, but it will.
- US credit rating will be slashed again
- Fed WILL NOT stop printing money
You may not agree with me on any or all of these points, but I don't care. I have done the research. I have studied and observed great societies and their degradation. I am confident in my analysis and predictions. I also still believe Obama will win for the simple fact that I don't have faith in society. I have said it before, if Obama win's I'm headed for the hills. Not literally but figuratively. My Homestead Project will be kicked into overdrive and I will be up and running by next summer.
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