How To Tuesday
How to Install a Window Well
Step 1: Dig Hole.
This is key. The hole MUST be deep enough and wide enough in order to install your window well. KNOW YOUR WINDOW WELL SIZE. Give yourself at least 8-18" extra on each side. 18" would be better, but not always feasible.
Dig your hole deep enough so that when the window is cut you can just drop the huge unmovable chunk of concrete in the bottom and leave it there. I would dig the entire hole at least an extra 12-18" past the bottom of the window.In the middle of your hole, dig a smaller hole (24" wide) as deep as you can. Try to did past the footing of your house. This will allow water to drain below your house.
Step 2: Back Fill
Fill the drain hole with rocks and gravel until it is level with the rest of the hole. Go ahead and cut your window and drop the wall into to the window well. Install your window.
Step 3: Pre-fit Window Well
Place the window well in the hole. Use whatever you want to support the base of the window well, and raise it to the desired height. Make sure it is level side to side and front to back. Then mark the foundation through the holes where your bolts will be. You need a minimum of two bolts at the top and one towards the bottom.
Step 4: Set Anchors
Remove the window well and use a masonry bit and hammar drill to install anchors. It's pretty simple, but the type of anchor varies. If you have questions on how to install your specific type of anchor, ask the guy at the hardware store.
Step 5: Bolt the Window Well Down
Replace the window well. Slip it over the bolts/anchors and tighten nuts. This is the hard part, especially if you didn't dig your hole wide enough.
Fill the inside of the window well with rocks and gravel. Leave the top few inches for nice pea gravel. Fill in the outside of the window well with dirt.
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