There are a lot of bad realtors out there, so having expectations and communicating them is essential. There are some basic things you should expect from every agent that wants to sell your home. Good agents will give you much more, but these are bare minimums in my opinion. If the agent can't or won't do them, go somewhere else.
- Supra Key - a Supra Key is an electronic box that stores your house key for other agents that want to show your home. Some agents still use construction key boxes, but it is impossible to control them. A supra key allows you to set limits on time of day and day of week an agent can show your home. It also keeps track of who sees your house and when, that way your agent can follow up and your belongings are safe.
- Professional Photographers - first impression is everything, and pictures are it. I've seen agents take pictures with their flip phones! Unless your agent has a professional camera and lens they should not be taking the pictures themselves. Even then, a professional photographer can set proper lighting and showcase your house for a full virtual tour.
- Extreme Internet Marketing - Over 90% of buyers start their home search online. Some agents list your home on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) and think they are done. Century 21 will post your listening on over 500 websites, exposing your home to as many buyers as possible and creating demand for your house. More demand = better price.
- Actively Search for Buyers - There are two kinds of agents; passive and active. When you hire an agent your hire them to sell your home. A good agent will call other agents and tell them about your home so they can bring their buyers. They will share the listing in office meetings and call around your neighborhood to see if your neighbors know someone that wants to move there. A GOOD AGENT GOES TO WORK!
- Sales Skills - Your home is a product. Real Estate is a sales industry. Do you want to hire a salesman to sell your home, or just a realtor? A salesman will get your home sold for the best price possible. If an agent can't demonstrate good communication skills and negotiating skills with you, then how can they do it for your home?
In conclusion, make sure you are comfortable with the agent. Make sure they will communicate. These 5 things are basic and a good agent will do much more. Take your time when choosing an agent and make sure you are comfortable with them.
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