Where We Are Headed:
- Financial Crisis: We've been there, we will be there again. When we are it will be worse.
- A Real Run on the Banks: Some European countries are already experiencing massive amounts of withdrawals. It happens when people don't have faith in their banks, gov't and or currency. Possible here? I think so, but not yet.
- More Bailouts, More INFLATION: the Federal Reserve is already printing money at the rate of $60billion per month for an indefinite period of time.
- New Money: There are some reports that a "new dollar" is already printing. Massive amounts of cash are being distributed. The people running the show know what is coming and are preparing.
- Revolutionary Movements: Occupy Wall Street, Muslim Brotherhood, Anonymous, Fabian Society, George Soros, "The Coming Insurrection"... should I go on?
- NATIONALIZED HOUSING: This is the one that scares me, but the "housing is a right" argument has been used before to justify many things. This won't happen until total collapse and revolution.
- Wage/Price Controls: "It's to control inflation!" This also has been used before here in the United States!
- Work Armies: "It's your duty." In order to guarantee you will always have work you must give up your ability to choose what that work is. Thank you Marx.
- No Taxes or Inflation or Depressions: They will make this promise and try to follow through by controlling everything. They will fail.
- High-Tech Feudalism: Big Brother is watching already! Homeland Security Act, cameras in public areas, police radar that can see through walls, etc.
- Education as a Tool For Human Engineering: U.S. Department of Indoctrination (Education) has been going on for years.
- Regionalism as a Transition to World Government: UN
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