My Thought Thursday
I Am George Zimmerman

1. Trevon was NOT an innocent boy. He was suspended from school for having "Marijuana dust" and in trouble for graphity. He may not have been a "gangster," but this cry that innocent blood has been shed is pathetic.
2. Zimmerman is not white and this is NOT racial. Zimmerman is Mexican American with African American blood in his family. The only racial hint is when the dispatcher asked the race of Trevon. The majority of violent crime involving "black" victims also involves "black" perpetrators.
3. Zimmerman did NOT "hunt" Trevon down. As soon as the dispatcher told him not to follow Trevon, he returned to his car.
4. Zimmerman may have acted in selfdefense. There are witnesses that testify seeing Trevon attacking Zimmerman. That Trevon was on top of him beating him.
Obviously we are only hearing one side of the story. However, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. There is a lot of evidence in Zimmerman's defense. I'm not saying he is innocent, but to convict him by the selective editing of the liberal media is evil. To take advantage of the African American community by inciting racial conflict is even more evil. To use this as an argument to eliminate or limit our right to bare arms is treason. This story would make me ashamed to call myself liberal, democrat, Obama supporter, or minority. We SHOULD and MUST do better.
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