Today, Non-Fiction Friday, is Fiction Friday. I have spent many years not reading the Harry Potter Series. In fact, almost everybody I know was surprised that I wouldn't read them. I have my reasons. However, recently I have given in. After watching all the movies, I finally decided to read the Harry Potter Series. What I have recently discovered is that Harry Potter is a SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) scenario.
Plan a Normal Life
Like anyone normal, Harry, Ron and Hermione all planned normal lives. Even after Voldemort had risen, Harry was still considering a career as a Auror (dark wizard hunter). They all planned on going to school and passing their wizard exams, and then going on to some wizard type career. They were not preppers, but luckily they were wizard. Wizards, like boyscouts, are always prepared.
Big Government
The Ministry of Magic obtains such power as to detain any "half blood." In Harry Potter they are half bloods that are rounded up, but in real life it could be Jews, Japanese or Germans, two of which have been rounded up and imprisons in the United States!
The ministry denies the rise of Voldemort, which allows him to gain further power. They also try an change education and use large amounts of propaganda in the Daily Prophet to control the masses. Eventually the government is nothing but a tool of dark wizards.
Voldemort had returned and started WWII (Wizard War II as in his second attempt), which derailed all the plans of Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Bug Out
Harry, Ron and Hermione all had to drop out of school in search of the horcruxes, magical items that contained part of Voldemort's life force and in a sense made him imortal. They had to find and destroy all the horcruxes before they could destroy Voldemort himself.
Unlike you or me, they had magic to help them with their bug out. They had all the supplies they needed in Hermione's purse. They slept in a tent, running here and there, constantly fighting to find and destroy horcruxes.
The story terminates in a big battle, in which they are able to destroy the last of the horcruxes and Voldemort. Sorry if I ruined it for you. Though, I have not finished the books, I am told by my wife that they never return to school, never graduate or pass their wizard exams. Just like in a real SHTF scenario, all their plans changed.
As I plan for my future, I do so with the realization that retirement as we now know it may not exist by the time I reach the proper age. That is why I am a financial survivalist. If you are prepared you will not fear. In the mean time, be smart and thrive.
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