Besides the fact that the title is extremely ironic, it also insinuates an insider's perspective to a giant conspiracy. You will be pleased to know that this book is not about aliens or government time machines. In fact, Robert Kiyosaki begins the book by explaining that some conspiracies are more than far fetched, but this one is based on facts. In this book Robert simply points out the facts.
He explains how the uber-rich of the world have manipulated governments in order to gain more power and surpress other would be competitors. He outlines several simple ways that they have done this beginning with political leaders of our time. He also explains how the current economic situation is largely the result of this conspiracy. He breaks the conspiracy into four parts: education, money, wealth, and financial intelligence.
He then describes how this conspiracy has changed the rules of money. No longer can someone succeed by going to school, getting a "secure" job, and saving a little each month. But we can succeed by learning the new rules of money and educating ourselves financially.
New Rules of Money
- Money is knowledge
- Learn how to use debt
- Learn to control cashflow
- Prepare for bad times and you will only know good
- The need for speed
- Learn the language of money
There is definitely a conspiracy of the uber-rich to obtain power. These are the people who have so much money it no longer interests them. Of coarse there are evil people in this world. Of coarse some of them are uber-rich. Of coarse many of them have colluded to gain power and surpress the masses. It has happened throughout history, why would today be any different.
What I really like about this book is that Robert Kiyosaki continues with his well known tradition of financial education. This book is just as much about taking control of your own finances as it is about a conspiracy. By helping us understand the new rules of money, we can understand how to use those rules in our favor. Out with the old and in with the new.
7.5 / 10 stars.
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